

Anping old street & the Sword-Lion

Anping Old Streetwas the first street in Taiwan to be given a name. More than 300 years ago this was the first street built by the Dutch in Anping. In the early days, the street was built solely for pedestrians and push carts due to the fact that the street was narrow and there was not that much space to navigate. Many tourists coming to Anping must visit this street, and the noisy and bustling environment of Anping Old Street is one of its hallmarks. The street features all kinds of old stalls and shops, and regardless of whether you are a domestic or foreign visitor coming here to look for nick-knacks, raise your head once in a while to take a look at the Sword Lions on the lintels of doors. Each Sword Lion is designed in different style and facial expression, represent the family in the building and protect a house against evil. 
  • Distance from hotel1.8 km , Driving time6 min